Sunday, September 25, 2016

Dirty Laundry

Sitting here in this washateria while the clothes wash, wandering through my mind about this stuff I keep seeing come through the door. From pimps to hoes, to sisters and bros. An older lady was on her cell phone talking about Rob and Ben in an accident and how they asses like to drive fast in the rain. "I bet they learn their lesson now", she said.
So then in walks somebody's uncle Earl. He is at least 55, but life and drugs took him about 30 years ago. He comes to stand and watch myself, the kids and the hubby load the washers. I mean just standing there as if it was fascinating. Maybe it was, huh?
A Spanish lady walks through the door titties hanging lower than banana leaves. Lord Jesus take the wheel and release all the bra Gods to get her tits up.
The washateria attendee has shades on when it has been raining for at least 3 hours. I thought they were the dilation glasses until I got to the window. Lmao...
My pressure went up when my son rolled a basket next to me for our use and I didn't realize it because my back was turned. This lady walked up and slowly and quietly took 'our' basket. So yeah I'm pissed, right? Can't find the bitch no where in here now. Got my head hurting and shit. We all doing 'Dirty Laundry'!!!